The Philippines Trip
On 20th Jan 2017, Jhon and I went to the Philippines for our yearly visit and to celebrate his grandma's 90th birthday. I was so glad that my morning sickness is rather low so travelling was tolerable. Just in case you are wondering, it's okay to travelling while pregnant unless you are at your last trimester. The only issue is during the first trimester, plenty of mommies have morning sickness and it would be a mood killer. You may read our visit to the Philippines here. What I left out in the Philippines post was anything pregnant related.
Of course, Jhon's family was happy and surprised when Jhon told them the morning we arrived while having breakfast. We intended to tell later but they offered milk for their macaroni soup. At this time, milk or even the thought of it was my kryptonite so he had to explain why. To be honest, we didn't go sight-seeing like our previous trip. Mostly because I was tired and napping most of the day. We did go out everyday but after 3pm when I was feeling better and it was still a quick trip to nearby malls.
At Inang's house at Bataan, no one suspected because I was wearing a loose top. Thank God, no morning sickness or nausea on that day. In fact, I forgot I was pregnant! Lol The party was great and I had my Sony Action Cam so I was busy recording the moments. I only started to feel nauseous when the fatigue kicks in which was towards the end of the party.
Throughout the 5 day trip, I vomited 3 out of those days. Jhon's family was very understanding even though both Ma and Loi never experienced morning sickness. They were always concerned and sometimes, I could briefly hear Ma nagging to Jhon to take care of me and give anything I want. Haha Yes, there are Filipino pregnancy wives' tales I had to follow but it was not a hassle anyways so I just follow suit. More on that and more Malay-Fillipino pregnancy wives' tales will be up eventually.
Generally, the trip went well despite the morning sickness. Like I said, it's considered minor and tolerable.
Seeing Little One for the First Time
Our KKH appoint was literally a day after our Philippines trip which falls on 25 Jan 2017. Yes, we were tired but it was also a mixture of nervousness and excitement. We went for the subsidized appointment so save costs. I didn't know exactly what to expect. Fizah said she and her family members received transvaginal scan for their first check-up and it initially freaked me out. But as the dates got closer, I actually didn't care. I wanted to see Little One and make sure both of us are okay.
Our appointment was at 10:30am. We had time to have a quick breakfast and registered on time. The waiting time for the scan took the longest which was about 1 hour but after that, we hopped room to room for consultations and such. To my surprise, I just received a normal ultrasound scan via belly.
I teared up.
Jhon was by my side and he said we was utterly happy. It was confirmed that Little One was at 9 weeks with estimated due date (EDD) on 30th August 2017. Little One already had arms and legs with a 'tail' that is shrinking. The feeling was indescribable; to officially meet Little One who is growing inside me and knowing that we already love it before it comes out of the world.
I had my blood pressure, weight, height and urine checked, met with a doctor for consultation and back to the AMC for a quick consultation/ introduction on Down Syndrome tests. Of course, with my age of 32, we chose to test lah. Since it's also my first pregnancy, Jhon had to take a blood test too. I could've done it on the same day for HIV tests and such but since we are going to go for the Down Syndrome test, the hospital will draw my blood in one go on my next appoint which was in a week's time. Our 1st check up took us about 2 hours only.
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