Did you missed it?

All these while, I had been very good with my confinement. I ate and drank well, and didn't leave the house, even a the corridor except for one time when Mak let me walk around downstairs with Jhon and Sarah for her sun bathing session in the morning.
But for Sarah's first immunization, I followed to them Polyclinic. Wahh.. I felt so happy having to see the outside world. haha Just like during her blood tests, Sarah was a champion. She cried but only for a while and that was it. Her top of her head was hot but no fever. We just monitored until she was fine. Sarah was at a stage when she looks "funny". I don't know how to describe it but she does especially in the picture below.

I was hesitant to post this un-pretty photo of myself but this was me at that period of time. Lack of sleep, rest and struggling mentally and physically.
I can tell you this blog was never only about what is photogenic, perfectly posed with every strand of hair intact. I can give you real talk and you will be surprised what I want to share with you. Now, if only Sarah is not part koala.
Just about 1 month after delivery, I decided to end my confinement with Mak. I had more reasons than one but perhaps I will indulge on it another time. I was worried and fearful because as soon as I move back to my house, I am solo with Sarah. Jhon works office hours so it was not THAT bad but you know, first time mom jitters. We went back home over the weekend so Jhon was around for my first rodeo but after that, she was all mine and I was all hers.
I was anxious wondering how to eat, bathe or even rest but of course, as all story goes, everything went well in the end as I managed to get into routine.

Trick to anime eyes are windows with natural light.
Sarah looks so much like her dad to a point she looks like a boy, right?

Who are you to call me a boy??
hahaha Her "boy" coordinated clothes does not help either.

A new born face is ever changing.

Jhon, Sarah and I did gave Mak a visit the following weekend because I knew she would miss Sarah. It turned out that Nadya missed Sarah too as she constantly asked for her and peered into the room we used sleep in.

Being home means Abg Jamil got Sarah all to himself. He would play and even help watch her if he comes home early from work or on an off day.

There she goes with her funny-weird-face again.
At this point, Sarah would have her bedtime routine which weirdly SHE asked for. After her wipe down, she wants to be in our room with night light on and lying on the bed. Bonus points of all of us are lying down with her. When we don't do this, she gets really fussy.

For my check-up, Mak offered to take care of Sarah. She was on mixed breast milk (direct latch) and formula milk so naturally, she was fed FM when I was away. Initially, I said it's okay because I figured we need to practice going out with a baby but since Mak insisted, okay lor...
It turned out to be something I needed. A break or what I like to call now, turning off Mommy Mode. It was refreshing and relaxing. Of course, we missed her and wondered what she was doing but it was also nice to not be "ON" for that few hours. By the time I reached home, I couldn't wait to hug, kiss and most importantly, DL her. haha

Since we are on our own now, Mak is the one who would visit us. She would even bring her home cooked food for us so that was heavily appreciated. Nadya looked so big now that a baby is within the family. hehe

Sarah's bones are strong and shown signs of wanting to walk very early. Here's a video of her at 1 months 3 weeks. Don't worry, I was fully supporting her and I didn't let her put entire body weight on her legs.
We then went out a little further as a family to have breakfast. Yea, we were pretty cautious in terms of going out. One, we don't have a car so we can't zoom here and there. Two, we were still 'jinak-jinak tahi lalat' and Three, don't want Sarah to be over stimulated.
I remembered complaining that I always take nice pictures of Jhon and Sarah with her looking towards the camera. But when it comes to my turn, poor lighting, poor angle and Sarah hardly every looks in front.
It was only after a while I realized she would look towards the camera only because MOMMY was holding it so I didn't feel that bad afterwards. haha
Tummy Time!
Actually, Sarah was not a fan of tummy time. Her neck and back was strong but she just dislikes being fully flat on her belly. To make up for it, we would let her lay on our chest on an incline or with a pillow under her armpits.
When it is just you and a clingy baby, this is what you have to resort to. Thank God for the Combi Mak bought for us. I could just roll her anywhere I want.

This month was definitely easier as Sarah progresses to infant from new born. She has her ups and downs but that is how babies are. It was still surreal that I have a baby of my own.
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